Tiffany Crenshaw

Portrait of Tiffany Crenshaw, a lifestyle portrait photographer of Animal House Photography

Tiffany Crenshaw

Animal House Photography

Photographer Captures Families, Newborns, and Children

I'm a lifestyle and documentary photographer who recently moved from SC to Huntsville, Alabama! More than a photographer, I consider myself a professional storyteller. I absolutely love capturing real and authentic moments between families. I aim to make you feel something every time you look at one of my images. While photography is what I do, being a disciple of Jesus, wife and mother is who I am. My husband and I have spent 13 amazing years of marriage serving together in the church and our community and loving people with everything we have. Our passions have taken us around the country, to China, India and now, ultimately to Huntsville! We are true high school sweeties and fell in love when we were 15. 20 years later he's still my fave! When he's not with us he's at the hospital working tirelessly in the ICU. A true hero for our family and so many others. You've probably seen two curly-headed cuties here and there on my feed. Those are my two amazing daughters. They inspire me and are what started this whole photography journey! I've had the privilege of homeschooling them these last three years. On any given day you'll see me teaching a math lesson, editing photos, playing dress up and reheating my coffee for the 13th time in one morning!

Awards for Lifestyle Photography

1 TOP Lifestyle Photographer Titles

We proudly recognize Tiffany Crenshaw as a TOP International Lifestyle Photographer. Members holding the most contest points at the end of each year are ranked as TOP Lifestyle Photographers.